The Personal Armaments Race is a daily event in Last Fortress: Underground that allows you to get additional rewards for actions you would have done in the game anyway. However, not all of the rewards are worth sweating for.

This guide will help you do the Personal Armaments Race activities and get the most out of it.
In Last Fortress, there are five types of activities in the Personal Armaments Race:
- (G) – Gathering resources (Gathering)
- Total daily rewards: 650 recruitment points.
- (T) – Trading in the Trade Center (Trade Tycoon)
- Total daily rewards: 18 elite medals, 20 rare medals, 20 uncommon medals, and 405 minutes (6.75 hrs) of tech speed-ups.
- (Z) – Killing regular zombies (Zombies)
- Total daily rewards: 16 elite medals, 18 rare medals, 20 uncommon medals, and 150 (2.5 hrs) of troop training speed-ups.
- (MZ) – Killing mutant zombies (World Exploration)
- Total daily rewards: 170k EXP, 170 m-coins, and 720 m-coin and EXP minutes (12 hrs each).
- (E) – Defeating troops (Enemy Elimination)
- Total daily rewards 1: 340k EXP, 340 m-coins, and 1440 m-coin and EXP minutes (24 hrs each).
- Total daily rewards 2: 800 tin blocks, 120 stone, 144 iron, 6 hours of building speed-ups, 2 Bronze Vouchers, 2 Gear Supply Boxes, 2 Electric Superchargers.
Note: I will use the abbreviations in tables for compactness.
If you get all three chests for every activity, these would be the total possible weekly rewards:
- Elite medals: 170
- Rare medals: 190
- Uncommon medals: 200
- Tech time: 33.75 hrs
- Troop time: 12.5 hrs
- Building time: 12 hrs
- Recruitment points: 3,250
- EXP: 1,570k
- EXP time: 108 hrs
- M-coins: 1,570
- M-coin time: 108 hrs
- Tin: 1600
- Stone: 240
- Iron: 288
- Bronze Vouchers: 4
- Gear Supply boxes: 4
- Electric Superchargers: 4
Notice how visually close the second reward chest is to the last one if compared to the distance from the first to the second, although the point difference is much higher. It is done to make you think that reaching it is easier than you think, but don’t worry – we’ll get it ;).

Besides that, there is also a global ranking across 20 zones, where you can get additional rewards if you rank anywhere from first to 50th place, which is usually impossible for someone who does not invest a lot of money in this game.

Each activity requires you to perform certain unique activities to get points, but the usage of any speed-up is universal for each activity and will give you six points per minute (or 360 points per hour). Before update 1.320.001, it was eight points for one minute, and it was a bit easier to get the last reward, but oh well. Besides that, the number of points in the Mutants event was greatly reduced for each Mutant.

Here’s the schedule of each Personal Armaments Race activity for every day:
Schedule as a table:
Game Time | MON | TUE | WED | THU | FRI | SAT | SUN |
0-6 | G | Z | MZ | T | MZ | E | E |
6-12 | T | G | G | MZ | G | E | E |
12-18 | MZ | MZ | T | G | Z | E | E |
18-24 | Z | T | Z | Z | T | E | E |
Schedule an image:

Note that the game time can be different from your local time. The reset (new day) happens at 00:00 game time, so check what that will be at your local time for more straightforward calculations.
Also, if you are forgetful, use alarms on your phone or laptop to remind yourself about the events.
How to check game time?
To check the game time, tap your profile picture in the upper left corner and tap the gears icon on the upper right side.

Remember that for all activities in the Personal Armaments Race, you can use speed-ups to reach the rewards. I’d suggest using either research or construction speed-ups, as these are usually plenty.
For this, always have some long construction active, like Work Stations or the Command Center, so that you have where to use the speed-ups.
But only the Trading and Zombies (regular) events are worth spending speed-ups on because they give you hero medals.
The enemy elimination events that give you gear boxes, superchargers, and vouchers are also good, but you can usually get all three rewards by attacking bots, doing tent wars with a fellow alliance, or attacking your farm account (if you have one).

You will get three points for each stone you gather, five points for each iron, and eight points for each z-coin.
The best chance to get all three awards is Monday, the Alliance Duel gathering day.
Before this day, on Sunday, the alliance’s R4 or leader will release resource mines at one of your cities. These mines are of higher levels and hold more resources.
You can time your gathering so that the trucks finish within the first six hours of game time and mine as much as your capacity allows.
In theory, you can time your gathering trucks to get all three rewards each time, especially in Dimensions, where regular mines go up to level ten and discovered ones to level 15. But I don’t sweat that much and get all three on Monday and two every other day.
As for gathering on other days, you can get to the second reward chest by gathering 3,000 iron or 5,000 stone. I do not recommend gathering z-coins here because they have the slowest mining time, and usually, the mines will be already occupied.
Getting to the second reward depends on your mining speed and whether you have this research maxed – Research/Alliance Commemoration/Unexpected Prank (gives bonus resources for each hour of mining). Use an 8-hour mining speed buff if you see you can’t make it otherwise.
For example, it takes my APCs about 2 hours or so to fully mine a level three iron mine, so I can easily get eight mines fully mined (with the extra mining truck) within around four hours.
If you need more than a few thousand points till the next reward, you can use the speed-ups to reach it. But, it is not worth it to go all the way from chest two to chest three with speed-ups only, as you will need around 100 hours worth of speed-ups to do that.

Each trade at the Trade Center earns you 60 points.
Without using any diamonds or having Premium, you can perform about 13-14 trades in the ‘Sell’ tab and 2-5 trades in the ‘Purchase’ tab using z-coins.
You can trade eight to ten times a day by using 26 diamonds to restock three times, but you only have a 6-hour window to get points, so that gives us two regular times, plus five restocks (two for free and three for one, five, and twenty diamonds). You can trade seven times during this event, which is roughly 105-119 individual trades. That will give you only 6,300-7,140 points – enough to get only the first chest.
If you spend diamonds to get recruitment points and construction or training speed-ups (the 150-diamond ones) and have Premium, your number of individual trades should be higher, but still not enough to get the second chest.
In this case, you can get the second chest by trading Coal for Power boxes.

You need to get 150 Power boxes (gets you 9,000 points) to reach the second reward chest, so having 15,000 Coal at all times is a must. The Coal can be obtained by trading 2,500 Stone for 2,500 Coal.
But I only do this on Monday and Thursday. On other days, I use my speed-ups for the duel during the trading armaments race event. Why? Because it is easier to get to the third chest during the zombie killing event (about this further).
If you want to reach the third reward by using fewer speed-up hours, you can get more Power boxes, so consider what you need more – speed-ups or Stone.

The best-case scenario in this Personal Armaments Race event is having four APCs with full durability and five free repairs (three by default + one from Premium + one from the Policy Card).
But I understand that not everyone has the fourth APC (VIP10) and the additional repairs, so we will calculate the points without those.
So let’s assume we have three full APCs and three free repairs. That’s 375 points of durability (you want to leave five in each APC to be able to send them gathering), which is 75 zombie kills. Here’s how many points you can get based on zombie levels:
Zombie Level | Points for 1 | Points for 75 | Speed-up hours to reach the third chest |
1 | 150 | 11,250 | 108 |
5 | 190 | 14,250 | 100 |
10 | 240 | 18,000 | 89 |
15 | 290 | 21,750 | 79 |
20 | 340 | 25,500 | 69 |
25 | 390 | 29,250 | 58 |
30 | 440 | 33,000 | 48 |
Of course, you will rarely have all APCs full during this event, so your numbers will differ.
If you have the fourth APC, Premium, and the Policy Card that gives one additional free repair, getting to the last reward with fewer speed-ups will be even easier.

This one is straightforward – just rally mutants during this event.
If you rally five level-eight mutants, you will get 8,000 points. By rallying four Bifrons, you will add 4,000 points. You can then use ten speed-up hours to get the second reward.
I would not recommend going beyond that, as it is not worth it.
Things to note in this Personal Armaments Race event:
- Players in season zero have only level-five mutants and Kayas. Hence, the total number of points attainable here is 10,500, requiring you to use 12.5 hours of speed-ups for the third reward.
- If you cannot be only during these hours, I recommend you do the mutants whenever you can because getting stuff from the mutants themselves is more important than the race rewards.
- Not many people might be available during that time, especially on Monday when players send all their APCs to gather resources. This is another reason to rally mutants whenever you can, or at least ask people about their availability beforehand.

Make sure to get all Gear rewards, as the other ones are less important but are achievable easily.
On Saturday, the bots do not seem to respawn, so trying to hit some right after reset is a decent way to get the first three rewards. You get The other ones by attacking your Duel opponents or doing tent wars with them or any other alliance.
Also, you can use troops training if you can’t get your Alliance Duel points by wounding or killing troops. This option is not ideal, as troop speed-ups are quite scarce, but make sure you time it with the gear rewards period.
Key Takeaways
- The Personal Armaments Race is a daily event in the game Last Fortress: Underground, which allows you to earn extra goodies for your regular in-game activities.
- The event encompasses five types of missions: Gathering (G), Trade Tycoon (T), Zombies (Z), Mutant Zombies (MZ), and Enemy Elimination (E).
- Every mission has its unique rewards. If you unlock all three chests in each activity, your total weekly rewards could be quite impressive.
- In addition to individual rewards, a global leaderboard across 20 zones offers you the chance for more goodies. However, climbing up this ladder usually requires a hefty investment in the game.
- Regardless of the mission type, you can utilize speed-ups, giving you six points per minute, translating to 360 points per hour.
- It’s advised to reserve your speed-ups for the Trading and Zombies missions, as they reward you with hero medals. The gear boxes, superchargers, and vouchers from the enemy elimination missions are also a good catch.
- Don’t overstretch yourself trying to grab all three rewards every single time. Instead, focus on getting the most out of each day’s specific event.
- A good trick is to keep long-term constructions like Work Stations or the Command Center running to make the best use of your speed-ups.
- Use alarms to remind you of the events, and always stay aware of the game time. If it differs from your local time, make sure to adjust accordingly.