The Alliance Duel is a scheduled event in the Last Fortress that revolves around alliances from different (and the same) servers competing against one another during six stages, each of which takes a day. The event starts on Monday and ends on Saturday.
In this guide, you will learn how to participate in the alliance duel in the most efficient way to earn the most rewards. I have gone through some of the Tips and Tricks article points, but we’ll go into more detail to leave no stone unturned.

The Rules of the Alliance Duel
Not every alliance can engage in the Alliance Duel; only those that meet the following requirements:
- There must be at least 30 members in the alliance with 70,000 CP or more
- The alliance must be in the top 30 on their server
Once your alliance meets these requirements, it will get matched with an alliance similar to yours in power from a different server (also called a State).
Each of the six stages will bring your alliance a certain number of points if you win, along with some decent rewards.
The alliance with the most points at the end of the event will win and get the main rewards.

Each player will also get personal rewards based on their contribution to the Alliance Duel. These rewards can also be doubled and unlocked in the corresponding research tree in the research lab.
The Alliance Duel schedule:
- Day 1 (Monday) – Resource gathering
- Day 2 (Tuesday) – Construction
- Day 3 (Wednesday) – Research
- Day 4 (Thursday) – Recruitment
- Day 5 (Friday) – Soldier training
- Day 6 (Saturday) – Elimination

Research Tree Prioritization
Once the first alliance duel commences, you will unlock the Alliance Techs tab with Alliance Commemoration and Alliance Conflict trees.

Focus on maxing Super-value points and Bonus Rewards. The first will increase the points you get in every stage of the duel, and the second will unlock the ability to get personal reward boxes.

Once you see that you can get past the tier-6 reward box in at least one stage, research Bonus Rewards II to unlock the three final boxes so as not to lose out on any rewards.
I would recommend focusing on the Alliance Commemoration research tree first, as the Alliance Conflict tree only affects the last stage of the duel. The duel is often decided before the last stage, so it is better to keep researching everything relating to increasing the points you can get.
Now, let’s look at every stage and how you can do them the most efficiently.

Monday – The Gathering Day

During the first day, you will get points for gathering resources from mines and buying diamonds:
- 30 points for one stone
- 45 points for one iron
- 60 points for one z-coin
- 1 point for one aluminum (gathered or plundered from a Bauxite Mine)
- 50 points for one diamond
- Remember that the point increase bonuses you research in the alliance duel tree do not affect the points you get by buying the diamonds in every stage of the duel. It is always 100 points for one diamond.
- Also, buying diamonds implies getting diamonds through any purchases, not just buying diamonds directly.
In my Gathering Guide, I have also covered the strategy on this day, you can check it out here – Monday Gathering Strategy.
Here are some tips to make the most out of this day:
- The points are given right after the gathering truck starts to return from the mine.
- Use the alliance duel points buff card like this:
- Let’s say you have all your cars mining.
- See which one returns the earliest.
- Set a reminder on your phone 5 minutes before that time.
- Use the buff card.
- Which buff card to use?
- If you see that you’re winning easily vs. your opponent, just do not use any cards.
- Use +100\200% card for big mine returns and +50% for small mine returns.
- Which buff card to use?
- Set a reminder in 55 minutes from that.
- Pull back any cars that are still mining before the card buff expires.
- Send the cars mining again.
- Send your trucks on Sunday so that they return just as the gathering stage begins.
- Use the alliance duel points buff card like this:
- When you compare mines with different resources of the same level, they all will get you the same number of points when gathered fully. The only thing that is different is the time it takes to gather all resources in a mine. Iron is usually the best to mine.
- The higher the level of cities your alliance has, the higher the level of mines your alliance can discover around the city, and the more resources your alliance will be able to gather. Also, discovering new resources should be done on Sunday so that all alliance members can start gathering in advance.
- Use the gathering speed buffs during the event for a higher mining speed. A +50% speed buff that lasts 8 hours can be obtained in the alliance shop for 7,500 contribution coins. A 24-hour buff can be found in the boxes you get when gathering the last resources from mines. Keep in mind that these buffs do not affect z-coins. Also, make sure your Alliance’s Master of Gathering activates the +20% gathering speed buff on Monday.
- If you see that your trucks won’t be able to get back in time before the gathering day ends, call them back the latest you can.
- Have balanced gathering lineups. You can learn more about lineups in my Lineup Guide.
- Time your Bauxite mine depletion with your regular mines. This way, you will be able to maximize the duel points card bonus.
Tuesday – The Construction Day

During the second day, you will get points for increasing the facility CP, using construction speed-ups, leveling up season facilities, obtaining APC parts, and buying diamonds.
- Base Facilities:
- 3 points for one facility CP
- 10 points for one minute of a construction speed-up used
- Season Facilities:
- 5,000 points for one use of a season facility rapid builder
- 50,000 points for level 1-5 facilities
- 100,000 points for level 6-10 facilities
- 200,000 points for level 11-15 facilities
- 300,000 points for level 16-20 facilities
- 400,000 points for level 21-25 facilities
- 500,000 points for level 26-30 facilities
- Obtaining APC Parts:
- 390 points for a white part
- 1,500 points for a green part
- 6,250 points for a blue part
- 25,000 points for a purple part
- 100,000 points for an orange part
- 400,000 points for a red part
- 1,600,000 points for a golden part
- 50 points for one diamond
After the 1.351.001 Update, which added the season facility and APC gear to this day’s points, it became much easier to get many more duel points. Probably, this was due to many players getting all their facilities fully upgraded and having nothing else to do besides destroying and building hero statues again and again.
Here are some tips to make the most out of this day:
- You can determine the facility CP increase you will get by upgrading a facility. Choose a facility, tap the upgrade button, and then tap on an exclamation mark to the right of the Lv.X => Lv.X+1 (upper right corner). There, you will see a table of all levels of this facility and how much facility CP they provide. Hence, choose facilities with the most CP gain to upgrade on this day.
- The exception is the Diner, which does not show the CP gained. But you can see how much it adds by noting the CP value before and after upgrading the Diner.
- You can calculate the most efficient time usage for a facility by dividing the number of CP you get for the upgrade by the time it requires to be constructed.
- For example, to upgrade a level-18 Mint to level 19, it would take me 1,112 minutes.
- The CP increase is 2,249.
- Hence, the efficiency is 2,249/1112 = 2.02 CP for 1 minute.
- Next, let’s see if this is different for my Power Generator.
- To upgrade a level-17 generator to level 18, it would take me 2,521 minutes.
- The CP increase is 4,205.
- Hence, the efficiency is 4,205/2,521 = 1.66 CP for 1 minute.
- So, now I know that I should upgrade the Mint if choosing between these two.
- But we don’t have infinite resources, so you should consider that as well.
- Save up as many construction speed-ups for this day as you can.
- Start building the most time-consuming or important building in advance so that it finishes during this day.
- Ideally, it should also finish when a points buff card is active.
- Even more ideally, it should be the maximum number of facilities you can build simultaneously.
- Upgrade facilities but do not “pop” them – tap on them only during the construction duel day.
- If you do not have NATE, upgrade those buildings that do not require your interaction, such as barracks, quarters, garages, entrance hall, capacitor rooms, etc.). Because if you tap or click on the building that has finished upgrading, it will “pop.”
- To prevent accidental facility upgrade collection, go to your Profile => General Settings and tick off “Confirm with me when collecting facilities.”
- Upgrade all the APC gear on this day only. Read more about upgrading your APC gear.
- Open any APC parts boxes on this day. You can buy them in the Trade Center => Desperado Shop.
- Do the Infinity Arena when your buff card is active.
- As always, if you have a weak opponent, save those APC part upgrades for the next duel and aim for the four mil. chest.
- Start upgrading your highest-level season facility on Monday so it finishes when Tuesday comes, and you can start upgrading another one right away.
Wednesday – The Research Day

During the third day, you will get points by researching technology, using research speed-ups, producing gear materials, forging gear, obtaining beast modules by mutation fusion, and buying diamonds:
- 3 points for one technology CP
- 10 points for one minute of a technology speed-up
- Gear Factory:
- 20,000 points for an elite (purple) gear piece
- 100,000 points for an orange (epic) gear piece
- 10,000 points for each gear material produced
- Mutation Fusion:
- 12,800 points for a level 7 module
- 25,600 points for a level 8 module
- 51,200 points for a level 9 module
- 102,400 points for a level 10 module
- 204,800 points for a level 11 module
- 409,600 points for a level 12 module
- 819,200 points for a level 13 module
- 1,638,400 points for a level 14 module
- 3,276,800 points for a level 15 module
- 6,553,600 points for a level 16 module
- 13,107,200 points for a level 17 module
- 26,214,400 points for a level 18 module
- 50 points for one diamond
Again, after the 1.351.001 Update, there are a lot more ways of obtaining much more duel points on this day.
This day is very similar to the construction day, so here are some tips to make the most out of this day:
- Here, you can also determine the technology CP increase that you will get by researching a particular technology. Choose a technology, tap on an exclamation mark to the upper right of the Lv.X => Lv.X+1 (upper right corner). There, you will see a table of all levels of this technology and how much tech CP they provide. Hence, choose the technology with the most CP gain to research on this day.
- Similarly to the facility calculation method, you can also calculate the most effective ones.
- Save up as many research speed-ups as you can for this day to get the most out of it.
- Start researching the longest and the more important ones in advance so that it gets researched on this day.
- Best if it is done researching when a points buff card is active.
- Research speed-ups are easier to accumulate, but getting enough z-coins might be a problem, so choose carefully.
- You can buy an extra tech research queue for $20, which allows you to research two things simultaneously. I do not really think it is worth it, but it will allow you to get a bit more extra points on Wednesday as there potentially can be two researches finished and waiting to be collected at the start of this day.
- Forge any gear and collect any gear materials while your buff card is active. Read more about gear production.
- Open any gear chests that might contain purple or orange gear on this day, again, while the buff card is active (if you use one at all).
- I do not recommend using Mutation Fusion, as there is a pretty high chance of downgrading your module (~60%). But if you do want to try it, use only level 3 modules.
- If your duel opponent is weaker than you, save those gear materials for the next time.
Thursday – The Recruitment Day

During the fourth day, you will get points for combat and faction recruitments and buying diamonds:
- 4,000 points for one combat recruitment
- 6,800 points for one faction or summit recruitment
- 50 points for one diamond
Everything is pretty simple here – save up all your recruitment points and cards for this day. Also, I’d recommend using 100% buff cards on this exact day if you don’t have enough for each day, as you can generally pile up enough points to get the first six reward chests.
Read more about hero recruiting.
AD Recruitment Calculator
Alliance Duel Research | Level |
Super-value Points I | |
Super-value Points II | |
Incentive: Recruitment | |
Value Points III | |
Active Alliance Duel Point Card | |
Total Bonus Modifier | |
Input your Recruitment Points number | |
Input your Faction Cards number |
Recruitment Points You Have | Faction Cards You Have | Total Points You Can Get |
40,000 | 0 | 11,544,000 |
Chest Points | CHRP | FRC |
20,000 | 100 | 1 |
100,000 | 400 | 3 |
320,000 | 1,200 | 8 |
600,000 | 2,200 | 14 |
1,000,000 | 3,600 | 23 |
2,000,000 | 7,000 | 46 |
2,400,000 | 8,400 | 55 |
3,000,000 | 10,500 | 68 |
4,000,000 | 13,900 | 91 |
Friday – The Training Day

During the fifth day, you will get points for training soldiers, using training speed-ups, killing regular zombies, and buying diamonds. The number of points you will get depends on the level of soldiers you train and the level of zombies you kill. The higher the level, the more points.

- Try to leave a lot of troops for upgrading on this day, as upgrading also counts and takes less time than assembling from scratch.
- If you have reached the limit and can’t train any more troops, kill them off by attacking a bot.
- Use a car with the most space for troops, choose the weakest 1-level heroes, fill the car with troops, and attack a bot.
- Make sure to grab soldier training speed-ups from the trader every time you see them in stock, providing you have the diamonds to spare.

Saturday – The War Day

During the final, sixth day, you will get points for many things: training soldiers, gathering resources on the enemy territory, making enemy soldiers lightly or heavily wounded (any players), killing enemy soldiers (any players), having your soldiers killed, capturing the duel rival’s main city, or buying diamonds.

Killing the duel rival’s soldiers will yield you 400% points.
- If your opponent is much stronger than you, your alliance’s leader or R4 can try negotiating with them to either let them capture your main city without farming your players or do some tent wars.
- Doing tent wars is a way to wound soldiers without killing them, which still yields duel points. To do tent wars, you must create a construction site of your base by relocating to an empty spot nearby and aiding that site. Once your troops are in the garrison of the site, the player from another alliance must attack the site. In doing so, they will not be able to kill off any soldiers but only wound them. Also, this won’t take away any resources from the player.
- If your opponent does not want to do things peacefully, you have three options:
- Activate a Peace Treaty, a shield that protects you from attacks for 8 hours. It costs 1,000 diamonds and does not allow any of your cars to leave your base, so you won’t be able to gather or attack during these 8 hours.
- Randomly teleport somewhere. When you relocate, you can choose to do so randomly. If you’re lucky, you will appear really far away from your territory, which in 90% of cases means the opponent won’t attack you. But, keep in mind that you might be unlucky and teleport close to your cities or be attacked by the opponent of another alliance on your server that invades near to your location.
- Lastly, you can empty all your cars not to give your opponent any points for killing or wounding your troops. Although, they will still be able to get your resources. You should keep in mind that there is a research in the Research/Attack & Defense branch that allows a player to affect even those troops that are stationed in the base (non-deployed). This research is called Pillage and Plunder.
- If your opponent is around your level of strength or weaker, you have a choice during the last day. If you are winning even without the last day, consider doing tent wars or negotiating peaceful city capture. If the last day is a deciding one, you might want to invade the opponent and farm them.
- Don’t forget that you also get points when killing and wounding the troops of players from any alliance or those without alliances. If your opponent is strong and you decided to relocate, you can still get at least the first three chests by attacking solo players or players from other alliances on your server.
- I would not recommend training troops on this day, as it is much better to do it on the fifth, troop-training day instead.
- If you want to just farm bots, find a spot on the map where there are 3-4 bots near one another and relocate there. After the relocation, activate a buff card if you want and wreak havoc upon poor machines.
Final Tips and Key Takeaways
Here are some common Alliance Duel tips, wrapping this guide up:
- Saving up the necessary speed-ups and resources is crucial to winning the duel.
- If your opponent is much weaker than you, consider saving up the 100% buff cards and use only 50% or none. The same goes for any usable items that yield points.
- If you see that you are winning the duel day for sure, don’t go overboard and save some resources and speed-ups for the next duel. Just hit a major chest (either 3rd, 6th, or 9th) and stop there.
- Don’t go for 200% card mergers if you won’t have at least 3 100% ones after the merger.
- (Not confirmed) Theoretically, if all alliance members empty their cars before the duel stars (on Sunday), the overall CP of your alliance will drop, and you should get a weaker opponent. You can also reset strong heroes to drop the CP even more and uninstall war beasts from APCs.
That’s pretty much it. I hope you will become better at duels with these tips.